Laboratory Equipment
Dark Blue Trading LLC is a supplier of analytical instruments, test kits, and reagents used to monitor and test the quality of water and other liquids. The company’s extensive range covers all of the common measurement parameters for crude oil, wastewater, drinking water, and process water in both municipal and industrial applications. Dark Blue Trading LLC’s products are also used to test the quality of natural water including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater, and marine water.

Equipment and Supplies
Dark Blue Trading LLC offers quality drilling fluid and cementing equipment to enhance your quality control program and product development capabilities. We use this equipment to guarantee our products performance and ensure cost effectiveness. We also design specialty field portable instruments, equipment, laboratory testing equipment made to your specifications. Our machining capabilities allow us to couple your ideas with our capabilities and accomplish your innovative task.
Recyclable Disposable PPE
Disposable laboratory PPE (effective for oil base drilling fluids) can be worn over laboratory regular clothing. It is also ideal for field conditions such as tripping pipe, running casing, working the mud pits.